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Attending a Bible Study for the First Time: What to Expect

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You’ve said yes. You’ve marked it on your calendar and now the feelings of anticipation are lingering: what is a Bible study like? The truth is, no Bible study is completely alike. Some start with a round of appetizers, others include coffee and tea, and some gatherings feel very much like a family dinner where everyone loads up their plate and dives right into conversation, usually with one person leading the group. But if there’s one thing that all Bible studies have in common it’s that everyone’s presence matters. Not to worry! You won’t be put on the spot. You’re not required to come having read the Bible in its entirety but rather your presence matters to the group as a whole.

Here at Faith Miracle Sanctuary Christian Worship Center, we care that you’ve chosen to attend a Bible study for the very first time. Our group discussions are designed for first-time attendees who may be completely new to the Word of God. This is important because there is often a misconception that the conversations will be based on specific Biblical references without any explanation.

Beyond the actual conversation, many fear the experience as a whole. Simply showing up can be a task itself. That’s why we’re here to offer you some insight as to what you can expect so that when you do arrive, you can be ready to learn and meet some of the best people in your community!

Bible Studies Are Designed to Be Inclusive but You Can Attend to Simply Listen to the Word of God

If you don’t want to stand out or be “put on the spot” that’s okay! While these discussions are group-driven, as a first-time attendee if your goal is to observe and simply listen, you are welcome to do just that! At its core, a Bible study is intended to be a time for learning about God’s Word.

We are always interested in people’s life stories as they open our mind’s to different walks of life. As someone who may be completely new to Christianity, your life experiences are unique to why what led you to attend a Bible Study in the first place. You are also welcomed to share with the group your thoughts on the topic and we always encourage questions. Know that the setting will be relaxed and comfortable.

It’s an Opportunity to Make Connections

One of the best benefits of attending a Bible Study is the people you will meet. Some of the best friendships are made in Bible studies. Many of the attendees are looking for a way to draw closer to God and in doing so they establish relationships with others who can help strengthen their walk with God. You will also meet members of the community who you may have never met otherwise, some of whom can help with other aspects of your life such as finding a job, caretaker, or someone you can simply turn to when things get rough. At Faith Miracle Sanctuary Christian Worship Center, we enjoy getting to know our community and finding ways to bring each other together.

There is No Right or Wrong Way to Attend

Don’t own a Bible? That’s okay! Don’t own “church” attire? That’s okay too! When it comes to attending a Bible study, the most important aspect is showing up. As a non-denominational Christian church, we are not concerned with your clothes or lack of a Bible. The only thing that matters is your desire to learn about God. While we don’t necessarily start at the beginning of the Bible, we will help you establish an understanding of who Jesus is and what eternal life means. All the discussions tie into what is happening in our world today and the struggles of life that challenge us.

Do You Have Specific Questions? Contact Us Today

If there are specific questions you’d like to have addressed before attending, simply connect with us via email or phone. We want you to come feeling as comfortable as possible! Those feelings of anxiety are natural as many new experiences bring about feelings of uncertainty, but we promise to provide a welcoming space for you and your loved ones to learn about God.

We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 6 PM for Bible Study!

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